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A portable concentrator replaces your tanks with a small purse-sized device. It pulls oxygen out of the air, just like your machine at home. The difference is that it’s tiny, will run on batteries, and go anywhere.
Using a portable oxygen concentrator means that you’ll never need to lug heavy tanks with you or wait for them to be delivered.
All of our oxygen concentrators can be plugged in at home while in use. Your batteries will charge while you’re using the concentrator too. If you need to move around the house, just unplug and the concentrator will switch to battery power.
Your concentrator comes with a car adapter that will power it while you’re driving. This means you can use your concentrator during your trip without relying on battery power.
Portable oxygen concentrators will function on airplanes. Most portable oxygen systems have been approved by the FAA for use on commercial aircraft. Follow the link below for more information.
Traveling with o2Home concentrators provide a continuous flow of oxygen. When using your home concentrator, you receive oxygen while inhaling and exhaling.
The small portable oxygen concentrators operate in ‘pulse-dose’ mode. When you inhale a micro switch turns on the oxygen flow; when you exhale it stops.
Some oxygen systems are capable of providing both a continuous flow or a pulse-dose of oxygen. This function varies by manufacturer, but many will provide up to 2LPM of oxygen continuously and up to 5LPM on a pulse-dose mode.
All portable oxygen concentrators run on rechargeable batteries. When placed in continuous flow mode, they use more power and shorten the battery life. If you can use a pulse-dose system, and your prescribed flow rate is between 1-3lpm, then you may be able to use the lightest oxygen system available. However, if you need the continuous flow you may need a slightly larger device.
Inogen G4 Shown – 2.6lbs
Inogen G3 Shown – 4.7lbs.
Oxygen equipment isn’t created equal. What may work great for your neighbor could be a bad choice for you. The way these devices provide oxygen varies by manufacturer and model. There are lots of things to know before you buy one.
With over 22 years of experience providing oxygen equipment, we know how to select the right device based on your medical condition. We also know that your condition may change. That’s why we give you 30-days to change your mind and five years to trade-up should your prescription change.
Portable Oxygen
Portable Oxygen
Portable Oxygen
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