Activox Portable Oxygen Concentrator
Smallest (Pulse dose)
Shoulder style system
Pulse dose oxygen delivery
Single battery included
Cannula and tubing included
continuous flow
Roll behind or backpack
Continuous oxygen flow to 3lpm
Two batteries included
Cannula and tubing included

* If you are flying your airline may require that you have additional batteries with you. You may be required to rent additional batteries for your trip.

How it works

Step 1

Understand your prescription

The first step to traveling with oxygen is to understand your prescription. Specifically, we’ll need to know your highest prescribed flow rate. We’ll also need to know if you’ve ever used a pulse dose (tank or concentrator) before. This will help us select the correct type of portable oxygen concentrator. We’ll contact your doctor’s office and provide you with a copy of the prescription. 

Step 2

Are you traveling by air?

Are you traveling by air? If so, the airline will require that you have enough battery life to last at least 1.5 times the duration of your flight(s). (We’ll help you sort this out, just call or email us). 

Step 3

Select the right equipment

Once we’re able to review the information from steps one and two, we’ll help you to select the right portable oxygen concentrator and extra batteries (if necessary). 

Step 4

Receive your equipment and enjoy your trip!

When you receive your equipment we encourage you to call us. We’ll walk you through the setup and use of the concentrator. Then you’re all set for your trip!